Friday, June 1, 2018

New Adventure!

Hi everyone!

It's been quite a while since my last post on here.  I'm getting ready to start a new adventure next week in Costa Rica, so I thought I'd get this started again.

For anyone who hasn't heard, I'll be working as a resident naturalist at the University of Georgia's Costa Rica campus.  Here is a link to their website for more info.  I'm not exactly sure what my day-to-day will include, so I'll post on here as I figure that out.

For now, please enjoy this photo from my last trip to Panama (I got back on Wednesday).  This is a view of the beach from our work site -- I chaperoned a high school service trip during which we helped finish a community center for local kids (we primed and painted, built furniture, cleaned the beach, played with the kids).  We were in Bocas del Toro and we also got to explore some: we hiked through the jungle, went snorkeling, visited a cocoa plantation and more.  It was a great experience, though traveling with students can definitely be a challenge at times.


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