Sunday, July 12, 2015

Fourth of July

...a little late, I know.

I hope everyone at home had a great holiday weekend last weekend!  I'm working to get caught up on here, so this post is about what we did on the Fourth.

We worked in the morning, out on the floodplain to scout sites for a project that Jen is going to be working on.  Then we went out to Hippo House, which is an old abandoned building that overlooks the lake/floodplain and used to be a restaurant/bar for tourists.  Here's a link of what the building used to look like and there are some pictures below of what it looks like now.

We had a picnic on the porch and just hung out for a while, watching the warthogs, waterbuck and many birds that were visible.  In the evening we had a bonfire with burgers and a vegetarian sausage for me (thanks Kaitlyn!), which was really nice.  Oh!  And I made cookies--chocolate chip trail mix cookies that were apparently very yummy.

It's getting late here and I've got a full day in the field tomorrow, so I'm going to head to bed very soon.  I'm going to try to update from this past week and get some more photos up soon!

Good night!

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