Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Leão sighting take two!

Guys guys guys!

We saw lions again!  I was out with Kaitlyn and Cat (one of the grad students here from Trinity College in Dublin, working on her masters).  We were just about done with our work for the day, and were about to head back to Chitengo.  We saw a Girassol safari vehicle stopped and looking at something, and at first we thought it was just the sunset (Girassol is the tourist side of Gorongosa).  But then we saw three lions lying in the grass by the vehicle, and we went over to look at them.  There were two males and a female, and they were all on the young-ish side.  We watched them for a while, and then followed them when they crossed the road.  They were playing around with each other, rolling around on their backs and chasing each other.  It was incredible.  I was just smiling the whole time we were watching them.
One of the males is on the right, and I'm not sure which of the other two is female/male. 
I'm a ferocious lion
Hey, hey...
Hey guys...what about me?
*sigh* That's better


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